cooper ♡ mama! 18, it/he, MaMP/yume, autistic fudanshi


Update: 08/16/2024

Date: 08/16/2024


for now, i only have my mama nui, but i'm looking into starting an ita bag and getting some more plushies soon-ish :3 sadly i am jobless and broke rn...

Update: 08/16/2024

Date: 08/16/2024


fyi! on my basic acc, i only pull for ! era cards, which is why you wont see many !! era cards.

i'm currently farming for mama's new 5* on jp! he's being so stubborn but yumeism will prevail and bring him home T.T! i'm also saving for butou kai on global, i currently have around 6k dias :D

Update: 08/16/2024

Date: 08/16/2024


i am not good at expressing my feelings with my own words, so trying to express my love for this silly fictional character is practically impossible for me. even still, i want to try and get across at least a fraction of my love for mama through some text on a screen.

to me, mama is genuinely a perfect person. sure, he has an undeniable amount of flaws, but time and time again he never puts himself first. even when he is being self destructive, over stepping when trying to be protective, or doing something that someone could frame as “selfishness” - in the end, his motives are always based on how they might affect someone else. he always tries his all to be kind, to make others feel loved and comfortable - even when he hardly knows a person he still puts forth this effort. to me, that is human perfection. despite his flaws, despite his own loneliness and internal conflicts, he never exhibits hate towards those who don’t deserve it.

while i do wish mama wasn’t so self destructive and self-conscious (obviously), i do absolutely adore the depth those emotions bring to his character. it really is heart wrenching knowing he tries so hard for everyone around him and is hardly offered that in return, and as he grows older he becomes more afraid of hurting those he cares so deeply about, and because of this he distances himself from the few people still there for him. as stupid as it sounds, sometimes i really wish there was some way to speak to him, just so i could tell him his mistakes don’t define him nor his relationships. his experience with these emotions resonates so deeply with me, i’ve lost so many friends due to my own self-destruction or distancing from these people - when really these were times in my life where i needed those people the most. i hope moving forward, mama will be able to understand it is more than okay to make mistakes within relationships, and that the people who truly love him wont abandon him or endlessly ridicule him for making such mistakes.

on a lighter note, mama is a character that makes me feel much safer than i think any real person has ever made me feel. i do genuinely love getting to call him mama, and i love the thought of accepting those offers any enstars character would never take up - like when he asks to carry someone, give someone basically “uppies”, feed someone, etc. him trying his all to act “motherly” - as someone with terrible mommy issues - is just so endearing and soothing to me. i don’t have many characters i can say i’ve ever daydreamed about meeting or anything, but mama is definitely a character i’ve felt that with - i really would give anything just to cuddle with this man and love on him.

usually when i have deeper feelings for characters, these characters are usually the type i could see myself living day-to-day with - mama is not an exception. he’s a good cook, he’s a neat and tidy person, he loves receiving and giving attention, he’s flexible enough to be up to do whatever his partner wants while also expressing his own preferences, etc. etc. - he just seems like such the perfect person to live with. his caring and nurturing nature also makes me believe he would be amazing with anything that needs gentle care - things like pets, children, sick people, people going through shit. as an example, i know if my depression room ever got seriously bad, he’s not the type of person who would make fun of me or yell at me about it, he would most likely offer to help and talk to me about it. basically, if he wasn’t an idol he’d be a housewife. and i love it.

i don’t really know how to put my feelings into words more than i already have, all i want to say is that i deeply love mama so dearly. he means so much to me, i have never had a fictional character bring this much comfort, joy, and security to me. he’s just so perfect and i can’t wait to continue loving, yumeing, obsessing over, and dumping money on him <3 i love you mama!!!

p.s. i cannot deny that physical attraction plays a small role in my love for mama as well. yes, i think he’s both adorable and sexy both in his appearance and voice, and yes i love his huge tits. that’s all.

Update: 08/16/2024

Date: 08/16/2024


you can find all of my mama art on this account! but here are some of my personal favorite mamas i've drawn :3

Update: 08/16/2024

Date: 08/16/2024


i'm currently working on kaomada works, stay tuned!

Update: 08/16/2024

Date: 08/16/2024


i'm still broke! i desperately want to buy a mama cosplay, but for now this section is empty since i can't afford it :(

Update: 08/16/2024

Date: 08/16/2024

nui media

i love abusing my mama nui, but i promise it's all out of love. please enjoy these pics and videos of my mama nui suffering daily!

Update: 08/16/2024

Date: 08/16/2024


my favorite mama ship is kaomada! but i also really enjoy madacest (especially MaM/df + exorcist/demon), chimada, madamugi, reimada, and madaniki a ton. i also dabble in rinnemada, madaei, madakuro, and poly mama ships.

i have a google doc as well as imgur post of every transparent basic gif of mama without the choppy layering you get from downloading the gifs off the enstars wiki. enjoy to your hearts content!

below are pictures of my mama pony in pony town :D